Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Harmonized "Laws of Nature" v Legislated "Harmonization"

Because no transition word (e.g.; Because ... or Although ... ) was inserted at the beginning of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence it was left for mankind to do what is "right in his own eyes" (Deu. 12:8; Jdg. 17:6; 21:25; Pro. 12:15; 21:2) as he "instituted among Men" the "Form of Government" he would choose to have to secure his "unalienable Rights". 

In 1776 the discussion amongst the signers of the aforementioned "Declaration" included two apparent options for government; the first paragraph's form of Government under the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God", and; the second paragraph's perpetuation of the form of Government that had (by virtue of their deployment for the purpose of corporately chartered colonization) been "endowed (on them) by their Creator".  

Consider what it means to be in "harmony" with the rules "of Nature and of Nature's God" and those rules that are promulgated, and subsequently legislated, by corporately employed men for the benefit of "their (corporation's) Creator". 

The following article about "resonant geometry" is a key to understanding the harmonic universal "Laws of Nature".  Below the article are definitions that exemplify how words are being used by a counterfiet "Creator" (that is referred to as "GOD" as in, "IN GOD WE TRUST") to convey unintended attributes to those harmonic Laws which are inviolate.

Harmonisation in a man made Harmonized System of governance.

Classification harmonisation involves the alignment, wherever possible, of the underlying concepts and definitions of both similar and disparate classifications to produce classifications which can related to the maximum extent possible within the constraints of the requirements of individual classifications.

Harmonisation is the process of combining or comparing data for purposes of analysis, either through the use of similar standard definitions and classifications, or through a complex set of explanations on how to achieve comparisons across standards and classifications.

In the harmonisation of classifications, building blocks for common groupings and regroupings of items from different structures of the classifications are identified. The process is facilitated by reducing or eliminating minor differences among the classifications.

Harmonisation of classifications requires continuous co-ordination and exchange of information between the custodians of the relevant classifications on a regular basis. Without such exchange, different interpretations of similar concepts and categories will occur.

In the harmonisation process the classifications could be described as reference, derived or related classifications.

Source: United Nations Statistics Division, Fourth Meeting of the Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications, New York, 2-4 November 1998: A Statement of Best Practices.

Harmonized System
Schedule of tariff nomenclature arranged in 6 digit codes allowing all participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis. Beyond the 6 digit level, countries are free to introduce national distinctions for tariff or statistical purposes. The Harmonized System was implemented by the United States and other major GATT countries after Jan. 1, 1988. In the United States, the Harmonized Tariff Schedules of the U.S. and the Schedule B employ the Harmonized System.